Friday, August 30, 2013

Cucumber Salsa

Hello!!! Happy Friday everyone! Hope your week before a long weekend went fast enough for you all and what a better way to end it then with a weekend salsa recipe as all gardens/farms are flourishing with life.

This is one I came up with on my own and I would love for everyone else to enjoy it as much as we did. Measurements may not be correct but here is the gist of what I put into this wonderful and refreshing creation!

First, dice up two whole cucumbers. I ended up using a food chopper to assure no big chucks that wouldn't fit on your chip. :) 

Second, I cut up two tomatoes of your choice. The juicier the better for this one to assure that some juice is present to bring all the flavors together. I personally had to add a can of Rotel because I did not have enough juice

Third, I diced a chopped onion. For us, we are not onion lovers so feel free to add another if you like the idea of some more onions!

Fourth, two cloves of chopped garlic.

Fifth, season to your liking! For this I used some lemon pepper and a little extra pepper, no extra sodium here!

Sixth, open that bag of chips and enjoy! What a great treat for the Husker game Saturday night! GBR! 

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
1735 Churchill Drive
Fremont, NE 68025
Phone: 402-459-1541


Monday, August 26, 2013

Facebook GIVEAWAY!

Hey guys!

   Thanks to all of our fans and supporters we have officially reached 200 likes! Since we obtained this goal we would like to giveaway a FREE session of training. Head to our Facebook page to get entered into the drawing. Like and Share if you are in favor of the logo OR Comment and Share if you would like to change something about  the logo. By doing either of these you will automatically be put into our random drawing. Promotion lasts until Friday at 4pm, free session will be announced Friday at 5pm. Best of Luck to you all and GET SHARING!! (Find our Facebook link below)

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
1735 Churchill Drive
Fremont, NE 68025
Phone: 402-459-1541


Friday, August 23, 2013

Tellame What's Your Secret

Hey everyone!

First, I wanted to Thank You for all the support on my Testimonial Tuesday post. You help to encourage me in continuing what I'm doing, as well as gave me a few more leads  on topics for my blog posts, so Thank You once again! 

After my post from Tuesday I had a few questions concerning how I lost my weight and what my secrets are/were. Today I would like to give you the inside scoop of my secrets and how I lost my 30 pounds! The few aspects that I changed seemed to be those in which I struggled with most and my determination to get results was very high. 

To begin with one of the first pieces I changed was my workout routine! I had never been a runner, it was always a dreadful thing to me, but here I was striving for more miles everyday. At the beginning I was using the elliptical for 30 minutes a day and once this became easy I switched over to the treadmill where in the end I was running 3 miles consistently and on a daily basis. Along with my cardio I began to add lifts that targeted what I considered my problem areas. These lifts would take place for 30 minutes after I completed my cardio portion. This sequence of my workout helped to get my heart rate elevated with doing the cardio first and then sustaining this elevated level by doing some weight lifting to follow. Ultimately aiding me to burn the most calories. 

The second piece that I changed was my eating habits. I can definitely agree that I am a emotional eater, so during those times of stress or missing my family I would eat non-stop until I felt miserable. Grasping this thought was very hard for me but I knew I had to do something about it, therefore I began to watch my intake a little better. I started by eating the healthy choices from the cafeteria and limiting myself to one diet pop a day. From here I became stronger, so in addition to my first changes I stopped eating fast food and any ice cream. On occasion I would splurge and get a few french fries from the cafeteria but on most days I exceeded these rules very well!

The final piece that I changed to get these lifestyle changes, was doing stuff that made me happy. It seemed that during this first year of college one goes through a lot of life changes. I'm sure this can be said for any major change in one's life as well. But for me at times I wasn't getting the fulfillment of life as I was in High School, so I began to do things for others which is one of the greatest boosters and motivators to me personally. These different organizations I joined seemed to help me keep focused on school and my goals which in the end helped me obtain my fitness goals overall! 

Hopefully my little secrets can help you find the motivation you need to make that lifestyle change, but remember everyone is different and just because it worked for me does not necessarily mean it is the best choice for you! Consult a fitness professional today to help make your personalized fitness plans!

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
1735 Churchill Drive
Fremont, NE 68025
Phone: 402-459-1541


Thursday, August 22, 2013

When In Need of A Quick Fix

Hey Everyone! 

Today I wanted to get in touch with all your busy schedules, because so many times I will ask the question "Why didn't you get your workout in yesterday?" The answer, as you can imagine, "I didn't have the time." This will always be a continuous battle, but for those that really want to improve their life, there are small steps that one can take to see this transformation happen! 

FACT: You will feel better when your exercising!

Here is a very quick workout that I like to do on those days when I can't get anything more in. I typically do it before I shower for the evening or going to bed. If these are not good times for you find one that is, maybe during your lunch break or even while cooking dinner. Simply using these times you would never consider exercising can make your lifestyle change begin today!

The Quick Sess:

30 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
30 Left Leg Raises 
(while laying down on side)
30 Right Leg Raises
(while laying down on side)
30 Crunches

Repeat this 2 or 3 times fully and feel that heart rate become elevated! A great and easy way to burn calories that takes 10 to 15 minutes max to complete. Contact Gabby today if you are in need of modifications for these exercises! GOOD LUCK! :) 

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Testimonial Tuesday Round 2

Hey everyone! On this Testimonial Tuesday I wanted to change it up a little and personally connect with my readers. As many of you may know I have never been the skinny girl who can eat whatever she wants and get away with it. My entire life has been an up and down roller coaster with my weight as well as diet. When I graduated high school I was at my personal all time high of 185 lbs, this I was not proud of but can definitely say that the stress and anxiety of going off to college was getting the best of me. At this time in my life I was still active but not to the degree I needed to be and diet was definitely an issue. From the time I can remember I have always enjoyed eating whatever was in front of me and never really understood what being full meant. 

Going off to college with my track scholarship in hand, I became very determined to change my way of life as well as set forth to get my name on that school record board. My way of life at the University of Sioux Falls was very fast pace, rarely time to sit down and think about those you missed back home. On top of our 4 hour track practices everyday, I had other goals that I wanted to obtain so I began to get up at 5am daily to strive for those goals as well. During this year away from home I accomplished three goals that I could take with me for the rest of my life. My weight goal of 155 lb, as well as being able to run three miles without stopping and the most important goal that I obtained while in Sioux Falls was that of a balanced diet and understanding the terms of hungry and full.  As for the track goal, well that simply didn't work out since I quit after the first semester, which is an entire different story. 

Looking back I am completely satisfied with how that year turned out. Although I did not reach all of my set goals it appears to even this day that I met the one's that still are important in my life and continue to help me meet my other set goals. This goes to show that even I am not perfect in this world of Fitness, we all have our flaws, but it is recognizing those flaws and understanding what needs to be done to improve them that becomes important. Still to this day I struggle with my diet and on occasion I make the wrong decisions, but acknowledging those mishaps is half the battle to a new and healthier you!

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Thursday, August 15, 2013

This crazy week!

Hey everyone!

   For those of you that don't know, FITness Into A Lifestyle is currently making the move to Fremont, NE USA. As we do this we are in the process of transforming our gym space as well. That being said we have been very busy traveling to and from Omaha to Fremont quite regularly, so we apologize for the inactivity on the blog. We promise we will be back in full swing next week. In the meantime, go check out our Facebook page to see some additional motivational quotes and the current photo of our soon to be defined gym space!

Thanks for you cooperation!

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Friday, August 9, 2013

*Fitness Challenge Friday*

Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great week and for most of you enjoy your last weekend of summer. Being near to summer's end means that a new routine will have to be set into place and who enjoys that? Well I sure know that I like a routine, but we will all get through the changes even if this means a few grumpy kids in the mornings. Along with this change in routine usually means a change in our lifestyle for a few days, weeks or months until we find that solid rhythm again. Fitness tends to be one that takes the biggest hit when these changes start to occur, because who has time for a workout, right?! 

As this is the case for many, I want to challenge you to my first Fitness Challenge Friday! This challenge will be capable for all skill levels, so no excuses! :) 

Fitness Challenge:
1. Sit down and stand up in a chair 20 times
2. 30 jumping jacks
3.  While in bed or on the floor do 20 crunches

Be sure to take these at your own desired pace, but also get that heart rate elevated. Do these once a day throughout the weekend starting tomorrow and let me know how you feel. Remember, it doesn't take much to get started and each foot forward is a foot in the right direction to a better you! 

Challenge yourself today! 

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hey everyone! Yesterday I had a great opportunity to attend a WELCOM event which was geared toward wellness in the workplace. Like myself I'm sure many of you have never even heard of WELCOM let alone know who they are or what they do. 

Side note: WELCOM (Wellness Council of the Midlands) is a nonprofit organization that works with businesses, specifically in Omaha, incorporating wellness programs to better the employees and employers. (the short explanation!)

We went over lots of great material, but so much of it would be boring to you :)! Today I want to define wellness, which was a big part of what the entire event discussed. So let's define wellness: being aware of your present health status and actively working toward maintaining or improving it. As we all know, everyone is at a different stage in their life, as well as being at a different stage of wellness. Understanding and being open about your stage of wellness is ideal, but this is very seldom the case. Being open about your current state in wellness can bring a lot of insight and motivation, just maybe the exact amount you need to push you to that next step of making it a Lifestyle! When evaluating your wellness it is much more than just the physical aspect of it, we must evaluate all pieces shown within this image. 

Everyone has their strong suits and weaknesses, but having optimal health or wellness means having a equal balance of pieces to this circle of wellness. Take the time to evaluate your pieces of wellness to better understand what you can do to improve your everyday of living! Remember no one is perfect and not even I have a perfectly balanced wheel of wellness! E-mail me today for the personal evaluation sheet.

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Monday, August 5, 2013

Coconut Chiller

Who doesn't like a low calorie adult drink? Well let's make one! 

Just as the summer wraps up, I finally found a good one that is worth sharing. It happened to be that exact drink that is light, refreshing and enables you to let that hair down! 

The above photo shows the ingredients I used, but any coconut rum or rum of choice will do, as this particular kind is from Jamaica. Only one ice cream scoop of sherbet, a shot (or whatever you prefer) of rum and topping this off with the Diet Sierra Mist completes the drink! 

What a simple drink that would be perfect for any summer night or day by the pool!

Calories per serving: 69 cal --------------------> ENJOY! 

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Sunday, August 4, 2013

A DESSERT kind of confession!

Everyone has a weakness if not two or three! I am no different and above is a picture of one of my biggest weaknesses. Always have I been an ice cream lover, but it is now that I can control my own actions. Many of you may have the same weakness, no matter what it is they are always difficult to overcome. It takes determination, motivation, will power and a helpful reminder from a loved one to get past something like ice cream that can do negative damage to your body if you are not careful. As for me, I splurge from time to time, but keep it down to a minimum. Also I like to find healthier alternatives such as froyo (frozen yogurt) or sherbet and making sure the days that I have a bad treat I must workout! Cutting back everything bad from your diet is generally speaking not humanly possible. Therefore, when making the transition from one way of life to a healthier one, we must remember to take baby steps rather than giving it all up at once! 

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Friday, August 2, 2013

What does FITness Into A Lifestyle even mean?

Hey guys!

 I wanted to take some time to talk about what this title means to me. 

Please note: My intention is not to offend anyone nor to stir up any sore topics, just simply my opinion and what I have found to work for me. 

Becoming active/exercising/working out can mean so many things to each individual. To me fitness are those many characteristics that one has or achieves to complete physical activities or exercise. It is also the idea of health, which is an entire different subject of discussion! More importantly the thought behind this title of "FITness Into A Lifestyle" is making you Fit to your individual standards, completing this by increasing your level of Fitness, and all together making this your way of Life. 

Fitness is not concerned with how many pounds or inches you are losing, it is increasing your overall health starting with your heart to the things that are visible. Eventually as your fitness level increases those things you were wanting to change will change. Take my word for it, but you gotta give it more than a month or two ;) 

What is your perspective of health and making FITness Into A Lifestyle?

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Summertime Grilling!

Summertime is best known for its grilling season. Just like fashion, there can be trends from year to year in the grilling world as well. Unlike the trends I have posted, below is one of my favorites that I do yearly, and not to mention but knowing someone with a garden makes this meal extremely extremely affordable! Zucchini and zucchini squash are an easy way to create a delicious and healthy meal. The picture below simply took 5 minutes to prepare and 20 minutes to cook. After rinsing and cutting them, I placed them within a vegetable grill basket (aluminum foil will work just fine), sprayed them with vegetable oil and seasoned them to my liking. To complete the meal I added some grilled chicken and the total meal was a total of 200 calories per serving! ENJOY!
Send in your meals and be featured on our blog!  

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
19409 Blondo Pkwy 
Phone: 402-459-1541