Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Testimonial Tuesday - Madison

Happy Testimonial Tuesday!

Today on this Tuesday we feature Madison H. Her journey to a healthier lifestyle began nearly two years ago when she realized she had let herself reach a weight she never wanted to see. At this instant she took life into her own hands and began a search for an accountability partner. Madi joined FITness Into A Lifestyle in May of 2014. When first joining, her physical ability pretty minimal but her determination was larger than any client I had ever had, with this the sky was the limit!

Beginning her journey she came to FITness Into A Lifestyle twice a week, set SMART goals and tried her best to workout on her own in between her personal training appointments. Within the first three months of training she dropped 17 lbs, increased her VO2Max by 40% and decreased her inch measurements by three inches. These substantial improvements in just three short months reflect directly on her high determination and motivation that she brought with her since day one.

After a year of training Madison's life took her to Omaha, where her journey only continued! When clients leave FITness Into A Lifestyle I personally get a little nervous and unsure of where they are psychologically in their process to a healthier lifestyle, but I never doubt anyone when they say they are ready. The same was true with Madi's journey to Omaha I can honestly say I was a bit nervous. I knew that her love for running was very minimal and joining a gym would be her best bet to allow her to lift weights as well as giving her different options for cardiovascular work. 

To this day Madison has accomplished so much more! She joined a running group through the Red Dirt company in Omaha and as of a few weeks ago she completed her first half marathon. In addition to this great accomplishment, running has become a way of life for her and she is a great example for all. With hard work, determination and motivation even your least favorite thing in life can become one that has helped you achieve your largest goals and dreams!  

Through all of this Madison has found a new way of life and a new found confidence in herself! Madi said when asked how she rates her satisfaction/confidence level compared to when she first began her journey? 
"When I started I was embarrassed that I was always being judged for my size. Now, I embrace it. I’m so much more confident. And being confident is satisfying." 

A high standing ovation to all her accomplishments in and out of the gym! Keep up the great work Madison! We look forward to keeping in touch as you reach your next goal year after year. 

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
Personal Trainer & Owner
1735 Churchill Drive
Fremont, NE 68025