Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wellness In The Workplace

It's been awhile, so why not another new spin on the blog! Two weeks ago I began my last semester at UNO placing me at my internship at Holmes Murphy. Within this company I am getting the great opportunity to view wellness in the eyes of a workplace. As American's we work the daily grind week after week, but are you really gaining something there besides benefits and a paycheck? Too many companies have not grabbed a hold of making sure their employees are happy. Since we are spending 8 hours of our day here this becomes very important to our overall health individually as well. 

Here are a few helpful tips to make your work place more enjoyable:

1.) Take sporadic breaks from your chair and computer to take a walk around the office
2.) Pack a healthy lunch with brain and fulfilling food (ex: chicken salad, fresh vegetables or fruits)
3.) Fill your work space with things that enhance your mood (ex: pictures of children, plants, bright colors)
4.) Partake in the wellness committee (don't have one? why not starting one!)

Unfortunately the wellness done at your work place is much more difficult to control, but there are always those aspects that you can control. Studies have shown that when employees are healthier or practicing a healthy lifestyle their mood, work quality and quantity will all increase, overall making it a better workplace for all employees! 

Gabby Skinner
FITness Into A Lifestyle
Personal Trainer & Owner
1735 Churchill Drive
Fremont, NE 68025
Phone: 402-459-1541


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