Thursday, August 27, 2015

Through the Struggles of a Personal Trainer

Hey All!

So sorry it has been so long since writing. Life has been a whirl wind lately and I think we have finally caught up! Through all of the craziness it has inspired me for this blog post, so here it goes.

Through my three years of being a personal trainer I have learned things, experienced things I never thought possible and took on life a bit differently. Many of these educational moments have been put in my life through/with my clients and I am always looking for new ways to relate. As they say, life events happen for a reason and looking back on this recent event it is starting to make more sense.

Jake and I experienced the loss of our wonderful baby back in early July. We were not informed of the news until my 12 week checkup. This news was devastating and there are still days of hardship. We had so many questions, but none could be answered. Those that know Jake and I, know how excited we were for the creation of our little one when we found out in early May. We were so ready to grow our family and to share our love with he or she. This was obviously not God's plan for us! As we have had some time to mourn and grasp our minds around what truly happened, it is oddly all coming together.

As a personal trainer this life event has helped me grow in a number of ways. In general the perception of a health professional can be unrealistic. We are perceived as individuals that have a balanced life where exercise and nutrition come so simple to us. This idea of having a perfect, under control life is not as true as some may suspect. We actually struggle with the same things anyone else does. Life can also take a toll on our routine, just like I'm sure you have experienced.

For me my pregnancy beginning in May took me for a ride of a life time and it is not one I am proud of. My body was not reacting well to all the internal changes and I was not myself for an ounce of these two months. With that I began to throw all my exercise and nutrition to the wayside. Eating things that I was craving and exercising NEVER because my body felt like crap. I was giving up on all things that I practiced and preached each day to my clients. All of a sudden I was my next worst nightmare! This all spiraled and in just two to three months I gained 20 unhealthy pounds!! It felt like a state of depression for me personally and I was doing nothing to help the way I felt.

Therefore, this is another lesson in my life that has opened my eyes. I have always been one to say that life happens and getting out of routine is always easy to do. Man did this health professional really let that happen. Remember that we all face similar types of challenges and temptations mixed in with ups and downs of our own personal lives. The importance of all of this is that we realize what we are doing and jump back up to fix our mistakes. For me I am now back to training full time, logging my food intake and exercising six times a week. It is simply amazing how much better a body feels when we are feeding it the right juices!

Your Motivator and Companion,

Gabby Skinner
Personal Trainer & Owner
1735 Churchill Drive
Fremont, NE 68025